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  1. Updated Upstream (Paper) (commit: 215bd92) (details)
Commit 215bd9277400ec678fd8e797676f9574b19145a8 by Kevin Raneri
Updated Upstream (Paper)

Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly

Paper Changes:
PaperMC/Paper@b9f26bb Add printPaperVersion task
PaperMC/Paper@63aa4d3 Clarify exception messages for invalid view distances (#7510)
PaperMC/Paper@0ee6dda Add javadoc linking for adventure-text-minimessage (#7538)
PaperMC/Paper@b6616c8 Fix falling block spawn methods
PaperMC/Paper@6d47843 replace bungeecord-chat dependency with deprecated version (#7539)
PaperMC/Paper@42a9c37 Move Adventure patch up
PaperMC/Paper@1d7a6a0 Add missing glow_item_frame walkers
PaperMC/Paper@f9b05cc Expose furnace minecart push property. (#7548)
PaperMC/Paper@9351513 Fix handling message in PlayerHandshakeEvent (#7542)
PaperMC/Paper@6564f70 Fix cancelling ProjectileHitEvent for piercing arrows (#7492)
PaperMC/Paper@196271d Fix save problems on shutdown
PaperMC/Paper@1e12cf8 Add more to the save fixes
(commit: 215bd92)
The file was modified patches/server/0011-Disable-Paper-timings-by-default.patch (diff)
The file was modified patches/server/0002-Pufferfish-branding.patch (diff)
The file was modified patches/server/0026-Config-to-disable-method-profiler.patch (diff)
The file was modified (diff)